USM building in Košice, Koštova 1
This goal was half fulfilled on May 18, 2006 in Bardejovské spa at the meeting of the accreditation commission and its recommendation for the establishment of the USM in Košice, which meant that the applicant meets all the professional, organizational, material, personnel, financial, spatial and other requirements placed on the university school. On the basis of this recommendation, the Minister of Education of the Slovak Republic submitted the aforementioned request to the Government of the Slovak Republic, and the latter confirmed it by voting in resolution no. 536 of June 7, 2006 establishing the University of Security Management in Košice. From this date, the independent history of VŠBM in Košice began to be written, however, not forgetting the knowledge from the previous five years of activity in this area.
The fact that the workplace was financed exclusively from the funds of Košice students and business activities of Patron and other affiliated companies, such as Agency BIS, Syteli, etc., gave room for building the workplace according to one's own ideas. Equipment, energy and rents, printing of textbooks and publications, teachers' salaries, both regular and external, etc., were financed from own funds. A significant step forward was in 2003 the inauguration of the assoc. prof. Ing. Mariána Mesároš, PhD. as a professor in the field of study "Civil Security", the study program "Security Management", on the basis of which he became the guarantor of the subject program in all three degrees of study. All these facts, in an effort to further develop, were the basis for the independence initiative to create its own legal subjectivity in the form of a new university.
Logo of USM in Košice
The detached workplace began to be built in the spring of 2001 in the unmaintained building Mlynárska 15, which over the years has undergone significant renovation. Due to the financial independence of the workplace from the university, investment opportunities were limited, but despite this, with the generous support of the Patron company (in the first years of its operation), it was possible to welcome the first 120 external students in the newly renovated premises in the same year.
Copyright © 2024 University of Security Management in Košice
A key element in the emergence of the idea of education in this area was the adoption of the law on the operation of private security services in 1998. This legislation specified the way of service in private security services and at the same time adjusted the conditions of education of their workers. In this spirit, many training centers were established on the territory of the Slovak Republic, including the Patron Training Center under the leadership of the president of USM  - Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Marián Mesároš, DrSc. With this integration into the community of "security organizations", the ideological foundations for the further development of education in the field of security began to be created, which was reinforced in 2000 in Krakow (Poland), when the idea for the creation of the specialization "Security Management" under the auspices of a slovak university arose at a conference there. In addition to matters of private security, the need to address security in other areas such as the economy, transport or information protection began to arise in society. This was the basis for the creation of the first study program of this specification in Slovakia and the related establishment of the Detached workplace in Košice of the Faculty of Special Engineering, University of Žilina.
The history of the establishment of VŠBM in Košice