Copyright © 2024 University of Security Management in Košice
Academic Library
Ing. Mgr. Natália Töröková, DBA
Phone : +421 55 720 56 16

Contact for Foreign Students
Director of the library
The Academic Library of USM in Košice (AL or AL USM) was established according to Act no. 126/2015 Coll. on libraries and museums and galleries and on the protection of objects of cultural value and on the amendment of Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on offenses as amended by Act No. 38/2014 Coll.

In 2009, AK established itself among university and academic libraries in Slovakia and was included in the list of academic libraries

The Academic Library of the USM in Košice is a scientific and informational, bibliographic, coordinating, consulting and educational workplace that provides its library and information services:
- teaching staff, scientific staff, students of all forms of study and other members of the public,
- stores and bibliographically registers final theses and qualification theses,
- it is the workplace for recording the publication activity of teachers, scientific workers and doctoral students of the university and with the help of the library information system it ensures processing and access to the information and funds that the library has.

In the premises of the USM Academic Library, students and users of the library have a built-in study room, an Internet study room and a center for the interest of school students living in the dormitories.
The library fund consists of study literature, textbooks, final and qualification theses, monographs, domestic and foreign publications, documents and periodicals according to the school's field of study. The supporting part of the study literature consists primarily of the editorial activity of scientific and pedagogical staff of USM in Košice and cooperating schools and organizations.

AK VŠBM users have three specialist departments at their disposal:
- library and information department
- study room
- internet study room

Library and information department

AK provides library and information services in accordance with its focus and specialization in the sense of the applicable legislation. Within its scope, AK ensures equal access to library and information services for all users.

The library fulfills its informational and educational function by providing:
- absentee loans (loans outside the library)
- full-time loans (loans intended for study in AL premises),
- processing information disseminated via the Internet, address information,
- providing bibliographic and reference services (consulting and advisory service).

The entire library fund is located on the ground floor and is intended for free selection and borrowing. Individual titles are sorted by section

Study hall

In the study room there is a library fund of final theses and qualification theses of graduates I., II. and III. degree of higher education, which the academic library stores and bibliographically registers in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Pursuant to the applicable legislation and internal directive - SM_10 Submission, evaluation and registration of final theses USM final theses are collected through the Final Thesis Record system (hereinafter referred to as EZP) and its registration on the USM portal in Košice - final theses - CRFW, for subsequent export of these works to the Central Register of Final Works (hereinafter referred to as CRZP - .
The Academic Library of the USM in Košice is a workplace for recording the publication activity of teachers, scientific staff and doctoral students of the University, including the archiving of documents necessary for the registration of publication activity in accordance with the applicable legislation and internal directive a Bibliographic registration of the USM by linking to the portal of the Central Register of Publication Activities, which is located on the website:
Catalogs of all final theses and qualification theses registered in the library system of AL USM, as well as works of student scientific and professional activity (ŠVOČ) of students of VŠBM, are kept and made available in the premises of the study hall. The final theses and ŠVOČ fund is intended only for on-site loans (loans for studying at the AL premises).

Online study room

which is equipped with computer workstations with Internet access, which we provide free of charge for registered library users. Students of our university have the opportunity to search for information on the Internet, send e-mail messages, as well as use the company's programs on their computers without major restrictions. Products of Microsoft are awable for creating your own text, table, presentation and other documents as well as connecting your own storage media.
Ing. Alena Buzová, PhD., MBA
Tel. : 055 / 720 56 19
e-mail : kniznica

Monday: 07.00 – 15.00
Tuesday: 07.00 – 15.00
Wednesday: 07.00 – 15.00
Thursday: 07.00 – 15.00
Friday: 07.00 – 19.00
Foreign Representative