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Engineering study in the academic year 2024 / 2025
Form, method and length of study:
daily form,
attendance method: 2 years

daily form,
combined method: 2 years

external form
attendance method: 2 years
Deadline for applications to:
Copyright © 2024 Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach
Applications through:
Length of study Tuition fees
for the academic year
daily attendance 2 years 980 Eur in Slovak language
external attendance
2 years 1300 Eur in Slovak language
daily attendance 2 years 1800 Eur - for 1st year
1500 Eur - for advanced years
in Slovak language
For foreign students.
Language preparation is included in the tuition.
30 May 2024
Profile of the graduate (granted title "engineer" for short Ing.):

of the study program "Management of security systems" in the field of study "Security Sciences":

A graduate of the second level of university studies can perform the profession of a professional security worker at an advanced level of management. Following his bachelor's studies, he expands the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to master a profession in the sphere of the security industry, in cumulative management and creative work positions oriented towards security and in the management of state administration or local self-government. He is able to independently perform managerial, control and project activities at the middle and higher level of management. The acquired education fulfills the requirements national qualification framework at level 7.
Important information:
The graduate has deep and cross-sectional knowledge in the field of security, including knowledge of contexts and relationships with other fields. Knows and knows how to apply methods and procedures specific to the field of security, applicable not only in practice but also in science and research. The graduate knows how to navigate the legislation related to the protection of persons and property in the Slovak Republic and the EU, he knows the methods of investigating the state, development, as well as the causes and conditions of crime. He knows forensic techniques and tactics for use in the practice of a security manager. By studying, he acquires knowledge in the field of security forces, security systems, the fight against terrorism and extremism, political science and organizational security. He controls the issues of security risk management with a focus on the identification, analysis and assessment of risks and the methodology of handling risks. He can navigate the information systems of companies, knows the procedures and principles of forensic science, and has knowledge of foreign language security terminology.
He can acquire new knowledge and information, integrate them into himself and use them for the development of security. The graduate acquires creative skills for solving theoretical and practical tasks. He knows how to use theoretical knowledge, acquired research and development procedures to acquire new knowledge and thus contribute to the development of the field. During his studies, he learns the procedures for designing security systems using alarm systems (electric security and emergency systems and access control systems, alarm transmission systems) and physical protection. He controls the procedures of planning, forecasting, logistics and financial management, especially in the direction of quantifying costs and evaluating the effectiveness of security investments. He can also investigate incidents using the methods and means of detective and search activity. He knows the psychology of management and the principles of managerial communication. He controls the principles and functioning of navigation and ge-information technologies with the possibility of their use in security analysis. He knows the principles of organization safety management, is able to create the structure of the organization's safety management system and manage and qualitatively improve the safety management process in the organization, with a focus on risk management and the processing of safety documentation.
The graduate can solve structured problems, coordinate work in teams and make independent and responsible decisions in dynamically changing conditions. By studying, he develops intellectual abilities, practical skills and personal qualities and is ready to take responsibility for his actions and decisions with knowledge of wider consequences. He can present information on the procedures and results of solving tasks, both to the professional and to the lay public.
Tuition and fees:
Study plan and flexible learning path:
Study plan:
An overview of the study subjects, including the student load defined in the form of credits (according to ECTS), is given in the recommended study plans for the full-time form of study and for the external form of study

Flexible learning path through profiling:
In the recommended study plans, you will also find the option to choose the so-called profiling. Under the guidance of the professionally knowledgeable head of group profiling, you can profile yourself in specific subjects, creative activities during your studies and bachelor's thesis in the fields :

- Security of financial operations and corruption,
- Environmental security,
- Cyber security,
- Security in transport and transport infrastructure.

You can find more information about the profiles in the recommended study plans for the full-time form of study and for the external form of study.
Place of teaching and technical security:
Teaching takes place at the USM headquarters at Košťová 1, in Košice. Students have the opportunity to park directly in the renovated school grounds. Modern lecture halls and teaching rooms are complemented by an academic library with a study room, rest areas, a buffet, a gymnasium, a dressing room, computer rooms, laboratories and other purpose-built spaces. The entire object is covered by a Wi-Fi network.
In addition to the academic library with 40,000 library units, students also have access to a Microsoft Office 365 student account, the Moodle system for self-study, distribution of study materials and verification of learning outcomes, and the MAIS system for recording study results. Students can borrow book publications published in USM's own edition for individual study subjects for free, that is, they do not have to pay anything for the books. You can find further details of the course of study in our documentation available in the "documents" section.
Study course and conditions:
Time course of study:
Study in the daily form - attendance method takes place from Tuesday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 13.00
Study in the daily form - combined method and in the external form takes place every other Friday from 3:00 p.m. until 8 p.m. and on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until 13.00
The semester in both forms lasts 12 weeks. You can learn more about the structure of the academic year in the Academic Calendar.
A flexible learning path through mobilities:
For student mobility, several calls for EU countries and VŠBM contractual partners are regularly announced as part of the Erasmus+ project, while the number of partners is constantly expanding. More about the possibilities of the program can be found on the Erasmus+ page
Studies carried out as part of mobilities are recognized in accordance with the rules described in the directive "SM 05_ERASMUS Programmes".
The school enables the creation of partnerships within the framework of dual education, which is evidenced by the annual selection process for an internship in the Slovak Police Force or the possibility of paid part-time jobs at Košice Airport, in the field of security, etc.
Study evaluation and student support:
Course evaluation method:
The assessment of each subject is systematic and transparent. The basic rules of assessment are described in the study schedule. Each of the study subjects has a defined so-called educational outcomes (VV), whose method of achievement and subsequent evaluation is determined in advance in the individual Subject Information Sheets (IL). Fulfillment of all VV determined in the IL subject means successful completion of the entire subject. Achieving all educational outcomes of the study program fulfills the profile of the graduate.
Study help:
The USM Student Support Center is available for students, which also includes the support of study advisors. Head of the center PaedDr. Ivana Fedurcová, PhD., MBA e-mail: coordinates activities according to the nature of demand among school employees or external professional collaborators of the school (e.g. psychologist). All areas of student support are listed on the center's website. In addition to the support of the center, the student also has a grade or assigned tutor at his disposal, whose task is to resolve or mediate a solution to the student's study needs. In addition to the above, female employees of the school department have been working as an advisory body for students at the level of study for a long time, and are also available on official mobile phone numbers.
Do you have questions? Call us:
+421 55 720 56 16
or write:
Admission procedure:

The admission interview takes place in person on the premises of the university. USM welcomes the applicant to be accompanied to the admission interview by relatives, which is useful for an objective assessment of the study conditions and the final decision to study with us. The admission interview before the commission itself is not public, and within it the applicant presents the reasons for his interest in the study, his overview of the content of the study program, expectations associated with completing the study and knowledge of the study conditions. Commissions are composed of experts in the field of study and persons qualified to assess the applicant's fulfillment of the required qualification framework. In any case, the goal of the interview is to clarify the study offer and the applicant's expectations in a friendly interview atmosphere, or to answer the applicant's questions that are not answered in publicly available sources.
In the case of applicants from abroad, the interview is conducted in English, or a member of the commission is a person who speaks the applicant's home language. Part of such an interview is also a check of interest in language training at an organized school, since the study program is taught in the Slovak language.
Indicated profession and application in practice:

USM in Košice also provides career counseling as part of the Student Support Center. For the engineering study program, USM indicates the following professions:

• Head of physical protection (guard service) (

• Project specialist in the field of private security

• Manager in the field of security and detective services

• Specialist detective
( )

• Lecturer in the field of security services

In addition to the professions indicated above, graduates of the study program are employed in management positions in the state and public administration, mostly in specialties close to the Security Sciences field of study. The mentioned positions are generally based on regulated professions (policeman, soldier, rescuer, etc.), but within the career progression for holding a management position, university studies are often required, ideally within the field. For this reason, experts from the subject areas were also invited during the coordination and assessment of the study programs (Police Force of the Slovak Republic, Municipal Police, Prison and Judicial Guard Corps of the Slovak Republic, Financial Administration of the Slovak Republic, Private Security Services, Civil Protection Association, etc.).
Rating Remedy:
The first tool for the possibility of correcting the evaluation of the so-called of the "educational output" of the subject are substitute attempts/dates of completion (e.g. repeating the test in the Moodle system or substitute exam date). The second means of correction is the possibility of choosing another examiner according to the data on teachers in the information sheet of the subject, or addressing the relevant year tutor. The third direct remedy is to convene a commission examination according to Art. 18 of the study regulations. Other student suggestions are governed by the VŠBM quality manual, which guarantees an objective evaluation of the suggestion at the level of the Quality Representative and the USM Quality Council. Such notices can be given via e-mail
Education ethics:
The rules for observing academic ethics are described in the "USM Code of Ethics" document. Monitoring compliance with academic ethics is also a part of ongoing monitoring of the study program in the form of so-called "Course Completion Questionnaire", which students fill out anonymously in the Moodle system. The evaluation of the questionnaire is governed by the guidelines "SM 09_Monitoring the satisfaction of interested parties" and "SM 02_Ensuring the quality of education".
Bank connection:
Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach s.r.o.,
Košťova 1, 040 01 Košice

account number IBAN : SK51 0200 0000 0047 9753 4154
Name of the bank: Všeobecná úverová banka a.s. Mlynské Nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava
Creative activity:
The graduate can apply acquired knowledge and skills beyond the level of bachelor's studies in creative problem solving, the character of which often has a wider context. He can integrate knowledge and combine it with incomplete or limited information, manage the complexity of the solution and formulate, present and argue his decisions. The whole solution of the problem bears the character of ethics and social responsibility to the form of processing and output of creative activity. The graduate can present the results of work and justifications to the professional and lay public. Through his studies, he acquired developed skills for self-education, which he will use in the future.
- Recommended study plan

- Description of the study

- Subject information sheets
The application (+ supporting documents) must be sent by post to the following address:
VŠBM v Košiciach
Košťova 1,
040 01 Košice
Slovak republic
Support for students with specific needs:

As part of the student support center, USM has a delegated contact person for applicants/students with specific needs: assoc. prof. Ing. Martin Mašlan, PhD., MSc., Phone : +421 55 720 56 11, adress: USM in Košice, Košťova 1, 04001 Košice, Slovakia, 1st floor, no. 110. The activity of the center and the delegated person in this direction is governed by the directive SM 11_Support of applicants and students with specific needs

in person at the school department

The application must be accompanied by:

Bc. graduates of another university:
1st application for Ing. the study
printed from,
2. a notarized copy of the diploma from the completed Bc. study
3. a notarized copy of the bachelor's state exam certificate
4. copy of the addendum to the diploma
5. passport-sized photos – 2 pcs
6. curriculum vitae handwritten and signed
7. receipt for the payment of €25 for the admission procedure
8. enter a mobile phone number (or other contact)
9. copy of the Citizen's ID or Passport

Bc. graduates of USM:
1. application for Ing (pdf format),
2.passport-sized photograph – 1 pc
3. curriculum vitae handwritten and signed
4. receipt for the payment of €25 for the admission procedure
5. enter a mobile phone number (or other contact)
6. copy of the Citizen's ID or Passport

- In the application, it is necessary to indicate the date of submission of the application with a signature.